A Palestinian man living in a refugee camp in northern Gaza has talked of the ‘indescribable’ pain he has experienced over ...
As Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine approaches its 1,000-day mark, the UN’s top human rights official reiterated his ...
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, has concluded an urgent visit to Syria, highlighting the plight of 250 ...
The situation in Africa’s Great Lakes Region, in particular the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), has remained ...
UN humanitarians in Lebanon on Tuesday described the massive challenge of trying to reach some 1.2 million people who have ...
Two bills before the Israeli parliament could put a halt to the lifesaving operations of UN Palestine relief agency, UNRWA, ...
As online tools using various forms of artificial intelligence become increasingly common, calls are growing for more action ...
The brutal war in Sudan continues to affect children across the country, particularly in North Darfur where there has been a sharp escalation in fighting. The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reports that ...
The UN peacekeeping mission UNIFIL has been operating along the “Blue Line” which separates Lebanon and Israel since the 1970s, and its mandate was just renewed for another year by the UN Security ...
Estudo realizado em bases argentinas na Antártida pretendia gerar dados sobre os níveis de poluição plástica e suas fontes; ...
安理会 周二发表媒体声明,以最强烈的言辞谴责10 月 6 日在巴基斯坦卡拉奇真纳国际机场附近发生的令人发指的懦夫式恐怖袭击。该袭击事件造成两名中国公民和一名巴基斯坦人死亡,数名中国和巴基斯坦公民受伤。
世界卫生组织下属的国际癌症研究机构周二在《柳叶刀•肿瘤学》杂志上发布最新研究,揭示了使用无烟烟草和槟榔与罹患口腔癌之间的联系。研究显示,全球由无烟烟草和槟榔导致的全球口腔癌病例约占病例总数的三分之一,其中近九成发生在亚洲中南部,超过95%发生在中低收 ...