Florida is getting hammered by massive hurricanes starting in the RECORD-WARM Gulf of Mexico, caused by climate change (fact!) and Gov. DeSantis has banned the words "c ...
Hillary Clinton called for the Govt to take serious action to censor digital and social media content warning the dangers leaders of govt could face if they lose contro ...
Oil companies are conveying an unlikely message to the GOP and its presidential candidate: Spare President Biden’s signature climate law. Big oil is all in for the Bide ...
Something seriously troubling has happened to the Republican Party. It’s become filled with wacko candidates for office who are being supported by large percentages of ...
Trying desperately to stay relevant Hillary Clinton said she wants social media to censor or we lose “total control” Really? At least her husband was funny, b ...
Israel recently killed the KILLER who planned the Lebenon bombing of Marines in 1983 - the United States could never find him but Israel did it for us - we had a $7M dollar ...
As Donald Trump and most of the Republicans say, Global Warming is a hoax of the Dems! Having a Snow Bird house in WOKE-free Florida is the greatest thing in the ...
Court House - "President Biden told reporters last week that he would not support a strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, but said Israel had the right to act "proportionately ...
The hurricane response in North Carolina is exactly like healthcare, taxes, infrastructure and jobs in that you have Democrats doing everything possible to help p ...
The Republican governor of North Carolina is asking for Donald Trump to stop distracting the efforts of the federal government by lying about what’s actually ha ...
Middle Township - To all cheerleader coaches ,our girls should be learning cheers,not how to twerk. Thank you for reading & participating.
With so much discussion by men on womens' personal health issues, why don't we hear women discussing and making decisions on mens' issues?? Personal health issues have ...