On Sunday 6 October 2024 Michelle Dvorak from the USA and Fay Manners from Great Britain were rescued on Chaukhamba III in ...
Watch the award-winning documentary Still Alive featuring Klaas Willems, the hugely talented Belgian rock climber diagnosed ...
Michał Czech and Paweł Zieliński from Kraków, Poland, completed a challenging linkup in Adrspach, Czech Republic. The ...
Ryu-shin, Mirror Wall, Renland, Greenland, Bold climb up the center of the Mirror Wall, established ground-up and in ...
Michal Korban successfully climbed Action Directe, the most famous 9a in the world established in 1991 in Frankenjura, ...
Japanese climbers Kei Narita, Yuu Nishida and Yudai Suzuki have made the first ascent of the West Face of Thui II (6523m) in ...
British climber Tom Ballard has freed A Line Above the Sky at Tomorrow's World, Dolomites. If the D15 grade is confirmed, this climb weighs in as the hardest drytooling route in the world. Rabenstein ...
In November 2023 retired British competition climbers Billy Ridal & Alex Waterhouse made a rare free ascent The Nose on El Capitan in Yosemite. Their attempt to free climb the most famous big wall in ...
British mountaineers Mick Fowler and Victor Saunders have made the first ascent of Yawash Sar, a 6,258m peak in Pakistan's Karakoram climbed via the NW Face. Climbing alpine style, the pair summited ...
La Sportiva è orgogliosa di annunciare che lā€™atleta François Cazzanelli, alpinista valdostano e guida alpina, classe 1990, ...
Lā€™alpinista valdostano e atleta La Sportiva François Cazzanelli sarà affiancato da Roger Bovard, Jerome Perruquet, Stefano ...
Quando si vuole estendere la propria avventura verticale a più tiri di corda e non limitarsi alle poche decine di metri di ...